Amazing Hoplolichoides Trilobite From Russia - 1.45"

This is a stunning example of one of the more ornate types of trilobites from the St. Petersburg region of Russia, Hoplolichoides furcifer. It's 1.45" long, very 3-dimensionally and has beautiful, bumpy shell preservation. The preservation and preparation on this specimen is truly exceptional. It's perfectly prone and even the hypostome (mouthplate) underneath the head has been prepared so that it is visible.

Very minimal restoration compared to most example of Hoplolichoides out on the market. Less than 5% mostly being the end of the left genal spine and the tips of a few smaller spines. These trilobites have been heavily faked and composited in the past.

One of the giveaways for the many of these fakes in the eyes. Hoplolichoides has holochroal eyes with thousands of tiny eye facets which don't preserve. Many of the fake Hoplolichoides will have stamped on eyes schizochroal eyes with large eye facets.

The last photo is a partially prepared specimen of Hoplolichoides I have though it isn't the exact specimen.

Photo of the Vilpovitsy quarry near St. Petersburg, Russia, where this trilobite was found.
Photo of the Vilpovitsy quarry near St. Petersburg, Russia, where this trilobite was found.
Hoplolichoides furcifer
Vilpovitsy quarry, St. Petersburg region, Russia
Asery level
1.45" long
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