We add hundreds of new items to FossilEra each week. Don't miss out. Get alerted via email when items that match what you are looking for get listed for sale.
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Provide a name for your email alert to help you recognize it. The name can be whatever you want.

Only include items that are in this category. Leave this field blank to include items from all categories.

Items in subcategories automatically get included. For example selecting the quartz category will also include items in all of the subcategories of quartz, smoky quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, etc.

If you want to specify multiple categories you can either setup multiple email alerts you can select the parent categoy and use keywords to filter the results.

Results must include these keywords or phrases. You can leave this field blank to not filter results by keyword. Separate keywords/phrases with a comma.


  • "cambrian" - will include only listings in the results that contained the keyword "cambrian"

  • "cambrian, ordovician" - will include both listings that contain the keyword "cambrian" and listings that contain the keyword "ordovician"

  • "red quartz" - will include only listings that contain both the keyword "red" and the keyword "quartz"
  • Exclude results must include these keywords or phrases. You can leave this field blank to not have any keyword exclusions. Separate keywords/phrases with a comma.


  • "polished" - will exclude all results that have the keyword "polished"

  • "polished, bargain" - will exclude all results that have either the keyword "polished" or the keyword "bargain"

  • "polished sphere" - will exclude listings that contain both the keyword "polished" and the keyword "sphere"