4.7" Carved Riebeckite Granite Bear - Alaska

This is a beautiful polished bear sculpture carved from a rare type of granite known as riebeckite granite. This unique pal measures 4.7 inches long and its glossy polish really brings out the black riebeckite crystals scattered throughout the feldspar and quartz.

Riebeckite is a rare, sodium-rich silicate mineral that's part of the amphibole group. It's commonly found in alkaline igneous rocks, such as syenites, trachytes, and alkaline granites. It can also be found in high-grade metamorphic schists and metamorphosed ironstones. Riebeckite is named after Emil Riebeck (1853–1885), a German explorer.

Chemical formula: [Na2][Fe2+3Fe3+2]Si8O22(OH)2

Granite is an igneous rock that forms deep within the Earth when magma cools and crystallizes into a solid rock. It is made up of mostly quartz and feldspar, with other minerals making up less than half of the rock. The name granite comes from the Latin word granum, which means "grain". It's often found near subduction zones where the magma cools slowly in chambers called plutons. The slow cooling process allows easily visible crystals to form, with slower cooling resulting in larger grain accumulation.

Riebeckite, Quartz & Feldspar
4.7 x 3.55 x 1.3"