1.79" Gemmy Vanadium Emerald Beryl Crystal - Nigeria

This is a 1.79" long, gemmy Vanadium Emerald crystal from Nigeria. It comes with a small, acrylic base.

About Vanadium Emerald Beryl

Vanadium emerald beryl is a striking green variety of beryl, with its vibrant color primarily attributed to vanadium rather than the more common chromium. While both elements can create the intense green hues characteristic of emeralds, vanadium-colored stones often exhibit a slightly lighter or more yellowish-green tint. These gemstones are typically found in regions like Brazil and Madagascar, where vanadium is naturally present in the surrounding geology. Despite the difference in their coloring agents, vanadium emeralds share the same physical properties as traditional emeralds, including a hardness of 7.5–8 on the Mohs scale and a vitreous luster. Their vivid color and, in some cases, exceptional clarity make vanadium emerald beryl highly sought after by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts.

There is ongoing debate over whether green beryl colored by vanadium should be classified as an emerald. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) recognizes it as such, while the Gemmological Association of Great Britain (Gem-A) does not.
Beryl var Vanadium Emerald
Nasarawa Eggon mine, Nigeria
1.79" tall, 61 carats