1.5" Polished Rosetta Jasper Worry Stones

These are 1.5" wide, polished rosetta jasper (also known as "crazy lace rosetta stone") worry stones. Being that they're a natural stone, there will be variation in colors and patterns from specimen to specimen.

Quantity discounts available.

Worry stones are smooth, polished stones, usually in the shape of an oval, with a thumb-sized indentation. They are often used by people for relaxation or anxiety relief purposes, the same way as some people use a fidget spinner. Typically, worry stones are 1 1/2 to 2 inches across. They may also be referred to as palm stones, thumb stones, fidget stones, etc.

About Jasper

Jasper is a term that can be applied to an opaque variety of chalcedony. The opaqueness is due to a higher concentration of impurities mixed with silica/quartz compared to other varieties of silica, such as quartz or agates. Like agate it may form in a wide variety of colors, and is often multi-colored. In most cases, jasper forms when silica-rich fluids permeate throughout a soft sediment or volcanic debris deposit. The fluids then crystallize around the particles/impurities, resulting in a cementation process. Most often, the impurities present determine the coloration of the deposit following solidification, but other factors can play a role in the color of what is now considered a jasper.
Quantity Discounts
3 to 9 Pieces
10+ Pieces
Polished Maligano Jasper Worry Stone
Chalcedony var. Jasper
Sulawesi, Indonesia
Range from 1.4" to 1.6" wide