Bargain, 2.85" Polished Blue Apatite Heart - Madagascar
This beautiful, polished stone heart is made from blue apatite, collected from Madagascar. Forming and polishing these hearts takes a great deal of time, and that craftsmanship combined with the specimen's electric blue color creates a stunning piece that can only be appreciated in person.
This specimen comes at a reduced price due to gap fills on one side.
This specimen comes at a reduced price due to gap fills on one side.
Apatite is the name given to a generic group of isomorphous hexagonal phosphate minerals. Its name comes from the Greek word apatite, which means 'to deceive': this is because apatite often resembles other common hexagonal-habit minerals. Varieties include hydroxylapatite, fluorapatite, and chlorapatite. Fluorapatite is by far the most common variety and can be found as both hexagonal crystals in many colors and massive forms.
The stone from Madagascar generally referred to as “Blue Apatite” is a massive form of fluorapatite. It is mined from several locations in the Anosy region and is frequently polished into shapes such as spheres, skulls, and figurines for decorative purposes. It has a very vibrant blue coloration and is quite striking in appearance. In most cases these Madagascar specimens have been heat treated to enhance their color.
The stone from Madagascar generally referred to as “Blue Apatite” is a massive form of fluorapatite. It is mined from several locations in the Anosy region and is frequently polished into shapes such as spheres, skulls, and figurines for decorative purposes. It has a very vibrant blue coloration and is quite striking in appearance. In most cases these Madagascar specimens have been heat treated to enhance their color.
Isoanala, Anosy Region, Tuléar Province, Madagascar
2.85" wide