.85" Rare Grey Elpidite Crystals on Rhodochrosite - Canada

This is an interesting specimen of rare grey elpidite crystals on red-brown rhodochrosite. This uncommon mineral association comes out of Mont Saint-Hilaire in Quebec, Canada.

The specimen is accompanied by a small acrylic display case.

About Elpidite

Elpidite is a rare hydrated sodium zirconium silicate of alkaline rocks deficient in silica: albitized nepheline syenites, syenitic pegmatites, and fenites in particular. It's name comes from the Greek elpidos (to hope), in the hope of finding other interesting minerals at its place of discovery. It forms prismatic crystals, sometimes decimetric, and flabelliform or fibrous aggregates. Elpidite is colorless or variously colored pale green, green-yellow, brownish, sometimes brick red.

General Chemical Formula - Na2ZrSi6O15•3H2O

Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate mineral with the chemical composition MnCO3. The crystals typically have a rosy pink to red coloration with rhombohedral cleaving in three directions. It forms from hydrothermal pockets and can be found as both crystals and in banded formations. Its color and occasional banding patterns make it a popular stone for faceting and cutting into cabochons. Premier specimens come from China, South Africa, Argentina, where it is the national mineral, and from the Sweet Home Mine in Alma, Colorado.

Elpidite & Rhodochrosite
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
.85 x .6"