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3.7" Brilliant Peacock Ore - Mexico
This is a large piece of high grade Peacock Ore from Mexico.
Commonly referred to as Peacock Ore due to its brilliant iridescent coloration, this mineral is actually acid treated chalcopyrite. This acid treatment mimics a natural process that creates the much rarer copper-based mineral Bornite.
Chalcopyrite is a brass-yellow colored mineral and an important copper ore. When weathered, chalcopyrite loses its metallic luster, tarnishing and turning a gray-green color. When exposed to acids, that tarnish can develop a red, blue or purple iridescence.
Chalcopyrite is a brass-yellow colored mineral and an important copper ore. When weathered, chalcopyrite loses its metallic luster, tarnishing and turning a gray-green color. When exposed to acids, that tarnish can develop a red, blue or purple iridescence.
Treated Chalcopyrite (Bornite)
3.7" long