3.3" Azurite, Calcite and Rosasite Association - Utah

This colorful specimen contains deep blue azurite crystals that formed in association with botryoidal blue-green rosasite and colorless calcite. It was collected from the Hidden Treasure Mine in the Ophir District of Utah, a location that's well known for its zinc and copper mineral deposits.

It comes with an acrylic display stand.

Rosasite is a secondary mineral that forms in oxidation zones of copper-zinc deposits, generally forming a fibrous botryoidal sphere that can appear vitreous and silky. While typically featuring a blue-green color, colorless specimens are not unheard of. The chemical formula of rosasite is CuZnCO3(OH)2.

About Calcite Crystals

Calcite crystals are a form of calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) known for their diverse shapes, transparency, and vibrant range of colors. They typically form in rhombohedral, scalenohedral, or prismatic shapes, often with well-defined, sharp edges and glossy surfaces. Calcite crystals are often translucent or transparent, sometimes displaying a double refraction effect where objects viewed through the crystal appear doubled. They can appear in various colors—white, clear, yellow, pink, blue, green, and orange—depending on impurities or trace minerals.

A notable characteristic of calcite is its reaction with weak acids like vinegar, which causes it to effervesce, or fizz, as it releases carbon dioxide. This property makes calcite crystals a key tool in geological identification and studies. Calcite forms in many environments, from sedimentary rocks like limestone and marble to hydrothermal veins.

Azurite is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral best known for its beautiful and vibrant blue appearance. Azurite typically forms in nodular formations with other colorful, copper-rich minerals. It is a secondary mineral that precipitated in pores, crevices, and caverns from water with high concentrations of carbon dioxide.

Azurite and malachite are known to form in union with each other since their chemical makeup is very similar. In fact, the presence of more or less water in the location of formation is enough to determine whether an abundance of malachite over azurite, or vise-versa, will accumulate.
Rosasite, Calcite & Azurite
Hidden Treasure Mine, Ophir District, Utah
3.3 x 1.8"