2.6" Polished Unique Bauxite (Aluminum Ore) Bear - Czech Republic

This is an incredible polished, 2.6" wide bear sculpted from bauxite (aluminum ore) mined in the Czech Republic. The polish brings out the spherical, red-brown ore bodies which contrast beautifully against the vibrant orange oxide matrix. Seldom is this beautiful material found on the market.

About Bauxite

Bauxite is a naturally occurring, earthy mineral rich in aluminum hydroxides, formed primarily through the prolonged weathering and leaching of aluminum-bearing rocks in tropical and subtropical regions. This intense weathering process, which takes place over millions of years, removes most other minerals, leaving behind high concentrations of aluminum hydroxides. Bauxite is often found in lateritic soils, where silica has been removed by water, and is usually formed in well-drained areas with high rainfall.

The ore itself appears as red, brown, or yellowish nodular rock masses, with a texture that can range from smooth and compact to pisolitic or oolitic, featuring small, rounded grains embedded within a matrix. Bauxite mainly comprises minerals such as gibbsite, boehmite, and diaspore, along with iron oxides, kaolinite, and other impurities that contribute to its characteristic colors. Large deposits of bauxite are located in regions like Australia, Guinea, and Brazil. As the primary source of aluminum, bauxite is essential for producing alumina, which is further refined into aluminum used in a wide array of industrial applications.
Bauxite (Aluminum Ore)
Czech Republic (Czechia)
2.6 x 1.5 x .65"