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1.85" Aragonite Twinned Crystal Cluster - Morocco
This is a beautiful cluster of well defined, cinnamon colored Aragonite crystals from Bou Azzer, Morocco. The translucent crystals are all twinned with pseudohexagonal (6 sided) shapes and many of the crystals are doubly terminated.
Morocco is well known for its abundant aragonite formations, most commonly seen as radiating clusters of clear to deep reddish prismatic hexagonal crystals known as floaters. Such mineral aggregations are called floaters because they form without attachments to walls, seemingly free-floating in the matrices they are extracted from.
Besides these floaters, Moroccan aragonite takes just about every other form of the mineral you can think of. Aragonite commonly forms stalactitic and stalagmitic formation in caves, even coating the walls and ceilings of caves in nubby formations called cave popcorn. These and massive formations make for wonderful polishing material. Botryoidal, fibrous, and scalenohedral aragonite also occurs.
Besides these floaters, Moroccan aragonite takes just about every other form of the mineral you can think of. Aragonite commonly forms stalactitic and stalagmitic formation in caves, even coating the walls and ceilings of caves in nubby formations called cave popcorn. These and massive formations make for wonderful polishing material. Botryoidal, fibrous, and scalenohedral aragonite also occurs.
Safro Mine, Bou Azzer, Morocco.
1.85" wide