1.75" Sky-Blue Decrespignyite-(Y) on Rock - Paratoo Mine, Australia
This is an incredibly cool formation sky-blue Decrespignyite-(Y) microcrystals on matrix, collected from its type locality, the Paratoo Copper Mine in Australia.
Comes with an acrylic display case and mineral tack.
Comes with an acrylic display case and mineral tack.
About Decrespignyite-(Y)
Decrespignyite-(Y) is a copper yttrium rare earth carbonate chloride hydrate. It was first discovered at the Paratoo copper mine, near Yunta in South Australia where it occurs as blue crusts, coatings, and fillings in thin fissures on the slatey country rock. Decrespignyite-(Y) occurs with a number of other rare earth minerals including white crusts and plate-shaped pseudomorphs of caysichite-(Y) and colourless to pale grey pseudohexagonal plates of donnayite-(Y).
Simplified Chemical Formula - (Y,REE)4Cu(CO3)4Cl(OH)5·2H2O.
Radiation Safety - Because of the composition of Decrespignyite-(Y), it is slightly radioactive. While the level of emitted radiation shouldn't cause any concern for intermittent handling, it is probably advisable not to have close contact for extended periods of time. Care should also be taken to avoid inhaling or ingesting dust from these samples. We also recommend washing hands after handling.
Decrespignyite-(Y) is a copper yttrium rare earth carbonate chloride hydrate. It was first discovered at the Paratoo copper mine, near Yunta in South Australia where it occurs as blue crusts, coatings, and fillings in thin fissures on the slatey country rock. Decrespignyite-(Y) occurs with a number of other rare earth minerals including white crusts and plate-shaped pseudomorphs of caysichite-(Y) and colourless to pale grey pseudohexagonal plates of donnayite-(Y).
Simplified Chemical Formula - (Y,REE)4Cu(CO3)4Cl(OH)5·2H2O.
Radiation Safety - Because of the composition of Decrespignyite-(Y), it is slightly radioactive. While the level of emitted radiation shouldn't cause any concern for intermittent handling, it is probably advisable not to have close contact for extended periods of time. Care should also be taken to avoid inhaling or ingesting dust from these samples. We also recommend washing hands after handling.
Paratoo Copper Mine, South Australia, Australia (Type Locality for Decrespignyite-(Y))
1.75" wide