1.25" Violet Kammererite on Massive Black Magnesiochromite - California
This is a gorgeous formation of violet colored kammererite (kämmererite) on a mass of black magnesiochromite, collected from the Red Ledge Mine in Nevada County, California. Comes with an acrylic display case and mineral tack.
Kammererite is a lustrous mineral that is typically rose-red to magenta in color. The chemical composition of this mineral is Mg5Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)8. It was named in 1841 by Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld in honor of German geologist and pharmacist August Alexander Kämmerer.
Clinochlore var. Kammererite & Magnesiochromite
Red Ledge Mine, Washington, Nevada County, California
1.25" wide