4.85" Stunning, Polished Lunar Meteorite Slice (54.4 g) - NWA 14685

This is a stunning, large, 4.85" wide (54.4 gram) section of the lunar meteorite, NWA 14685. It has been polished on one side.

NWA 14685 Meteorite

NWA 14685 is a lunar meteorite purchased from a North African dealer in 2020. Three identical stones totaling about 8 kilograms are known, and it is officially classified as a fragment breccia meteorite.

Cutting and polishing reveals a delicate grayish clast-rich polymict breccia with some lithic fragments, all set in a dark gray groundmass. Many clasts within it are basaltic, and it also contains traces of kamacite, Cr-spinel, silica, troilite, and ilmenite. Some slices also show shock veins.

Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Northwest Africa 14685

Moon Rocks... On Earth...

Think the only moon rocks on Earth are samples brought back from Apollo missions? Think again!

Lunar meteorites are type of achondrite meteorites that were formed like other stony (chondrite) meteorites, but they were ejected into space by meteorites and other celestial bodies hitting the moon. Almost all lunar meteorites are brecciated amalgamations of feldspathic and basaltic rocks commonly found on the Moon's surface.

Lunar meteorites are pretty rare to find on Earth: the vast majority of meteorites are from the asteroid belt, and less than 1 percent of classified meteorites are lunar in origin. The total mass of all known lunar meteorites is probably less than 1,000 kilograms. Owning a piece of the moon is a pretty rare accomplishment!

One reason they are so rare is because lunar meteorites superficially look just like earth rocks. Even a true meteorite expert would not recognize a lunar meteor laying on the ground among earthly stones. Lunar meteorites have only been recognized in places naturally devoid of rocks, like sandy deserts and ice sheets. In fact, there has never been a lunar meteorite classified from North America, South America or Europe. Most are found in the Sahara Desert (Northwest Africa), Antarctica, or Oman. All Antarctic meteorites are governmental property so they cannot be privately attained.
Northwest Africa
4.85 x 4.3", 0.09" thick, Weight: 54.4 grams