1.2" Eucrite Meteorite (3.09 g) - NWA 11576

This is a 1.2" wide (3.09 gram) slice of the NWA 11576 eucrite meteorite. This kind of eucrite-melt breccia is playfully nicknamed "air chocolate" for the cake-like look the melt breccia can sometimes have.

This specimen comes with an acrylic display case.

Eucrite Meteorites - Fragments Of 4 Vesta

Eucrites are achondritic stony meteorites thought to have originated from the surface of the giant asteroid (or minor planet) 4 Vesta. Vesta is the second largest body in the asteroid belt, measuring 326 miles wide. Like Earth, it has the differentiated layers of crust, mantle, and core common to rocky planets: this may mean that 4 Vesta is the remnant of a larger destroyed planet.

Eucrites consist of basaltic rock from Vesta's crust ejected during a collision with another asteroid. Eucrites are mostly composed of calcium-poor pyroxene, pigeonite, and calcium-rich plagioclase (anorthite). Vesta is currently one of just seven identified solar system bodies of which we have physical samples.

A true color image of 4 Vesta taken by NASA's Dawn probe in July of 2011.
A true color image of 4 Vesta taken by NASA's Dawn probe in July of 2011.
Eucrite (Polymict Breccia)
Northwestern Africa
1.2 x .98 x .09", 3.09 grams