The Amgala 001 Martian Meteorite is a rare and extraordinary specimen from Mars, representing a piece of the Red Planet that was ejected into space and eventually landed on Earth. Discovered in the desolate regions of the Western Sahara near Amgala, this meteorite belongs to the Shergottite class, known for their volcanic origin on Mars.
Amgala 001 displays a distinct texture, with dark fusion crust covering its exterior, formed as it entered Earth’s atmosphere. Beneath the crust, its interior reveals fine-grained minerals, including pyroxenes, feldspar, and olivine, typical of Martian volcanic rock. The meteorite provides valuable insights into the geological processes of Mars and is a prized possession for collectors and researchers alike.
Amgala 001 displays a distinct texture, with dark fusion crust covering its exterior, formed as it entered Earth’s atmosphere. Beneath the crust, its interior reveals fine-grained minerals, including pyroxenes, feldspar, and olivine, typical of Martian volcanic rock. The meteorite provides valuable insights into the geological processes of Mars and is a prized possession for collectors and researchers alike.
11 Items
($245 to $645)
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