The Abadla 002 meteorite is a rare carbonaceous chondrite, classified as a CM2, that was discovered in Algeria near the town of Abadla in 2020. This meteorite is notable for its dark, highly friable texture, often breaking into small fragments and powders, typical of CM chondrites. With its fusion crust showing a dark, matte surface, Abadla 002 presents an interesting example of carbonaceous meteorites that retain signs of alteration by water in their parent asteroid bodies.
Abadla 002 contains fine-grained chondrules, small spherical mineral inclusions that indicate it has remained largely unaltered since the early solar system. Additionally, the meteorite has a matrix rich in organic compounds and water-bearing minerals, making it an important specimen for understanding the chemistry of the early solar system and the potential delivery of organic molecules to Earth. Its preservation of ancient water-altered minerals also highlights the role of water in shaping early solar system materials.
Abadla 002 contains fine-grained chondrules, small spherical mineral inclusions that indicate it has remained largely unaltered since the early solar system. Additionally, the meteorite has a matrix rich in organic compounds and water-bearing minerals, making it an important specimen for understanding the chemistry of the early solar system and the potential delivery of organic molecules to Earth. Its preservation of ancient water-altered minerals also highlights the role of water in shaping early solar system materials.
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