Monster, 17" Mioplosus Fossil Fish - Wyoming

This is an monster, 17" long Mioplosus labracoides from the Green River Formation of Wyoming. The fish is extremely detailed with dark preservation typical of the the 18 inch layer. It is centered on a unbroken 21.7x13.3" slab of shale. We can back the plate with wood for stability (recommended) and install a french cleat wall hanger upon request for no charge.

Fossil fish from the 18 inch layer split out "ghosted" underneath the surface of the rock. Typically only bumps from the back bone can be seen in faint relief against the surface of the rock. Because of this they typically collect this layer at night using high powered lighting which allow them to better see the shadows from these bumps on the rock. These fish must then be prepared removing all of the matrix from on top of them, a very meticulous and time consuming process. While, like most fish from the 18 inch layer there is some minor touchup restoration work, but the fish has not been painted and is it's natural color.

Mioplosus is a genus of large extinct perciform fish that lived through the Eocene epoch. This genus is easily distinguished by an elongate fusiform body, double dorsal fins, and forked tail. Mioplosus was a solitary predator with large teeth: a few fossil specimens have been collected with other, smaller fish lodged in their throats. Most fossils of this genus are from the Tertiary-aged Green River Formation in Wyoming, though relatives of this genus are known to range throughout Asia and New Zealand. Mioplosus is also believed to be related to the modern pike-perch of the genus Sander (Stizostedion).
Mioplosus labracoides & Knightia eocaena
Warfield's Quarry, Kemmerer, Wyoming
Green River Formation
17" long on 21.7x13.3" rock
We guarantee the authenticity of all of our specimens.