Huge, 2.09" Flexicalymene Trilobite - Richwood, Kentucky

This is a giant Flexicalymene meeki trilobite from the Corryville Formation in Kentucky. It is 2.09" long and has nice shell detail, though there is compression to it's right hand side.

A small pocket of these giant flexies was found at a construction site in Richwood, Kentucky several years ago. It was only accessible for a short period of time and now lies underneath a large warehouse. There were a small number of these specimens collected, and as far as I know this is the last one to be made available by the collector.

A photo of where this giant Flexicalymene trilobite was found in Richwood, KY.  It is now the site of a giant warehouse.
A photo of where this giant Flexicalymene trilobite was found in Richwood, KY. It is now the site of a giant warehouse.
Flexicalymene meeki
Richwood, Kentucky
Corryville Formation
2.09" long
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