Huge, 12.2" Priscacara Serrata Fossil Fish - Elegantly Framed

This is a huge, 12.2" long Priscacara serrata which was collected from the 18 inch layer of the Green River Formation. It's 10.6" long and was collected this past quarry at Warfield's Quarry near Kemmerer, WY. It's been mounted in a 23.5x19.5 black frame, and makes for a very impressive wall mounted display. At over a foot long, this is an extremely large example of the species.

Fossil fish from the 18 inch layer split out "ghosted" underneath the surface of the rock. Typically only bumps from the back bone can be seen in faint relief against the surface of the rock. Because of this they typically collect this layer at night using high powered lighting which allow them to better see the shadows from these bumps on the rock. These fish must then be prepared removing all of the matrix from on top of them, a very meticulous and time consuming process.
Priscacara serrata
Warfield's Quarry, Kemmerer, WY
Green River Formation, 18 Inch Layer
12.2" long in 25.5x19.5" frame
We guarantee the authenticity of all of our specimens.