9" Impressive Fish Fossil (Phareodus) - Wyoming

This is a beautifully preserved, 9" long fossil fish (Phareodus) from the Green River Formation of Wyoming. It was collected from the famous "18 inch layer" at the Lindgren Quarry near Kemmerer, Wyoming. The fish has a reddish brown coloration to it and the level of preservation is excellent. Just check out those pectoral fins and teeth!

It is nicely presented on a thick, 10.5 x 6.6" slab of shale. Comes with an acrylic-metal display stand.

About Phareodus

Phareodus is a genus of predatory freshwater fish found in the famous Fossil Lake deposits of the Green River Formation in Wyoming. It had a mouthful of sharp pointy teeth, making it a voracious lake predator. In fact, the name Phareodus actually means "to have teeth". Spines from other fish such as Mioplosus and Priscacara have frequently been found preserved in their stomachs.

Phareodus sp.
Lindgren Quarry, Kemmerer, Wyoming
Green River Formation - 18 Inch Layer
9" long on 10.5 x 6.6" rock
We guarantee the authenticity of all of our specimens.