Massive, 2.35" Flexicalymene Trilobite - Richwood, Kentucky

This is an absolute monster Flexicalymene meeki trilobite. At 2.35" in length it is one of the larger examples of this species ever found.

A small pocket of these giant flexies was found at a construction site in Richwood, Kentucky several years ago. It was only accessible for a short period of time and now lies underneath a large warehouse. There were a small number of these specimens collected, and as far as I know this is the last one to be made available by the collector.

The specimen is gorgeous. It is nicely inflated, laid out nearly prone with excellent shell. It was found in loose rock, so it was remounted on a more solid piece of shale for display.

A photo of where this giant Flexicalymene trilobite was found in Richwood, KY.  It is now the site of a giant warehouse.
A photo of where this giant Flexicalymene trilobite was found in Richwood, KY. It is now the site of a giant warehouse.
Flexicalymene meeki
Richwood, Kentucky
Corryville Formation
2.35" long
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