Many New Petrified Wood Listings

On the way back from my recent trilobite collecting trip down in Utah and Nevada I had the opportunity to stop by a large petrified wood importer/wholesaler.  I was blown away not just by the diversity and quantity of the petrified wood he had for sale, but also the quality of the polishing which he was doing.  The majority of petrified wood I've seen has been poorly polished with scuff marks and dull spots visiable, but this material was fantastic.  With higher quality petried wood the manual labor and materials that go into getting a great polish typically represents much more of the overall cost than the raw materials themselves.

Petrified Wood For Sale

Like a kid in a candy store I was able to go through stacks of material and pick out a varied selection to purchase for sale here on FossilEra.  I acquired material in many forms and from many locations around the world including Oregon, Wyoming, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, etc.  Yesterday I spend much of the day photographing these new acquisitions, writing the listings and they are now offered for sale on this site.

Petrified Wood Slices

Petrified Wood Slices For Sale

Petrified Wood Bookends

Petrified wood bookends for sale

Petrified Wood Limbs & Roots

Petrified wood limbs for sale

Free-Stand Petrified Wood Displays

Free-standing petrified wood for sale