1.7" Polished Chrysotile Serpentine Hearts - Australia
These are polished hearts made from chrysotile serpentine collected in Australia. They are hand crafted from natural stone, so there will be some slight variation in size and patterning from specimen to specimen. They measure 1.6" to 1.7" inches wide, with most being 1.7". The pictures are representative of the specimen(s) you will receive
When tilted back and fourth, the lighter bands exhibit a beautiful chatoyance. Quantity discounts are available.
When tilted back and fourth, the lighter bands exhibit a beautiful chatoyance. Quantity discounts are available.
Serpentine is the name for a grouping of several related minerals, primarily antigorite and chrysotile. Antigorite serpentine typically represents the solid forms of serpentine, which are typically columnar in structure. Chrysotile serpentine consists of four separate groups; clinochrysotile, lizardite, orthochrysotile and parachrysotile, all of which have the same chemical composition. The difference between these groups of chrysotile serpentines are their crystal lattices. There are a variety of other forms of serpentine, but most of them are extremely rare.
Quantity Discounts
3 to 9 Pieces
10+ Pieces
Polished Chrysotile Serpentine Heart
Chrysotile (Serpentine Group)
Range from 1.6" to 1.7" wide